
Please forgive me for waiting until now to share with you what has been on my heart. Our heavenly Father never ceases to amaze me. His angels Teal Stamatishave been with us and His blessings continue to fall. Can I actually believe that this trip is coming to end? Absolutely not. I feel like we’re just getting started. Today during class “Teacher” Andrea and I expressed to some of our students that Thursday would be our last day with them and the expressions on their faces were filled with sadness. Each day I look forward to seeing our sweet kids. Whether or not they understand the strategy I’m trying to teach them or the vocabulary words I’m trying to engrain in their heads, I just pray that they learn one thing. Their worth. Through our actions and words I pray that they realize and believe that each one of them is precious and so, so, valuable. I’m blown away by their intelligence and eagerness to learn. They’re all so incredible. One of my favorite parts of the day is reading aloud to our students at Green Hills. They absolutely love it, as do I. They all sit on the edge of their seats anxiously awaiting as I turn the next page.

I have been incredibly blessed to spend some time with the mission team here in Kigali. They have been so welcoming and hospitable. They have set such wonderful examples for each of us. Inviting us all into their homes for supper, taking us on a safari, hauling us to the local markets to shop, always encouraging and uplifting us, praying for our team and our work are all huge ways that they have blessed us. They are Christ’s hands and feet here in this city and everywhere they go.

I can’t thank God enough for allowing me to have this experience. I have been so blessed by the people I have gotten to share this trip with. I believe my students have taught me far more than what I have taught them. Instead of me being the teacher, the roles are reversed. I’m excited to see what this week has in store for all of us but deeply saddened that soon it will all come to an end.


1 Response to “Worth.”

  1. 1 Teal Stamatis June 2, 2010 at 2:02 am

    We are not sure if this is right. Hope you get it.

    We are so proud of you and your spirit of serving, caring for these students and reaching out to others. May God bless all of your efforts.

    It is evident that you love your students.

    We love you,
    Dan and Bam

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May 2010